Do you have PMS, mood swings, bloating, fatigue, acne, and weight gain?

This could be a sign of Estrogen Dominance.
Find out in less than 3 minutes.

Personalized Care

Your Hormones

Reach Your
Highest Potential

Right now you’re struggling trying to do it all.


You’ve been overworked, overstressed, and now you’re over it (and your hormones are too!). Debilitating PMS, crippling menstrual cramps, irregular periods, weight gain, extreme fatigue, uncomfortable bloating, and brain fog are just the tip of the iceberg of your symptoms.

You’ve been putting your own health on the back burner while you steadily care for everyone around you. But, you realize YOUR health and mind need to be a priority to show up as the best version of yourself. 

You’re ready to feel EMPOWERED &  take CONTROL of your hormones, health, and life!

We Hear You.

You want to optimize your health, but you’re not getting the answers you need.
Going from doctor to doctor is exhausting and can feel frustrating.

You’re constantly feeling like you are missing out on life’s most memorable moments because many things, like the birth control pill, which are supposed to “balance your hormones,” are really just a band-aid for your symptoms.

With us, you’ll get to the ROOT CAUSE of your debilitating PMS symptoms once and for all, so you can live your life to the fullest again! – full of energy, pain-free cycles, enhanced libido, and finally able to get pregnant naturally!

Never Struggle with Hormone Imbalance Again… by Rebalancing Your Hormones Naturally!

icon representing estrogen hormone structure

Balance Your Hormones

Eliminate your symptoms of estrogen dominance or other underlying hormonal imbalances.

icon representing mindset

Transform YourMindset

Be free of limiting beliefs holding you back from embodying peak emotional health.

Female Superhero Outline Vector Icon

Reach Your Highest Potential

At Radiant Health, nothing is impossible with optimal health and an empowered mindset.

Rebalancing Hormones Can Be Attainable with Functional Medicine Hormone Experts

Fall in love with your life with optimal health and an unstoppable mindset.

Here’s How It Works…
Kate Vazquez founder and Physician Assistant at radiant Health
Book Your Hormone Assessment

Speak with our founder Kate Vazquez to discover if Radiant Health is right for you; if we’re a match, we’ll set you up towards your first step in your health journey.

Kate Vazquez founder and Physician Assistant at radiant Health
Connect The Dots

Together, we’ll create your personalized plan to balance your gut health, mindset, and hormones by focusing on diet, mindset, movement, supplementation, and stress management.

Kate Vazquez founder and Physician Assistant at radiant Health
Optimize Your Health

Implement your personalized lifestyle plan and experience a newfound appreciation for your body and mind once it is in alignment towards creating health.

Don’t Accept These Debilitating Symptoms as Your New Normal

You’ve Found Us For A Reason.

Together, let’s make optimal health the standard.

Tackle your estrogen dominance symptoms with the ultimate team by your side. Be amazed by the compassionate & comprehensive guidance during your journey to discovering your highest self.  If you finally want to feel full of energy and start living life to the fullest, you’re in the right place.

Radiant Health has been monumental in my recovery and I feel blessed that I found them. They really take the time to understand my needs and provide a wealth of knowledge on multiple modalities of treatment. I never feel rushed and I appreciate the ability to ask questions or seek guidance via email or telephone in between appointments.” – Sarah

Radiant Health has given me an experience I haven’t received from any physician before. They have created a safe space for me to open up about my past and be vulnerable, thus helping me heal from the inside out. Mentally, spiritually and physically.” – Michelle