Achieve Success with Your Health + Energy 

Faith-based functional medicine for ambitious women

I see you.

You have big goals and dreams,

and want to make an impact.

Achieving success in every area of your life is important to you.  

You understand that your health and energy,

is the key to show  up as the best version of yourself

But right now…

You don’t feel successful when it comes to your health. 


Deep down inside, you know that something is off.

You’ve changed your diet, eat healthy, take probiotics and digestive enzymes…
but still feel bloated and heavy.

You’re drinking coffee, exercising, and have taken every supplement for energy & adrenals…
but still feel exhausted and overwhelmed. 

You’re drinking plenty of water, taking electrolytes, B vitamins, and Magnesium…
But still have headaches and tension in your neck.

You’re tried birth control and hormone balancing supplements…
but still have cramps, acne, and mood swings.

You’ve seen the fertility specialist, took medications, supplements, and tried different sex positions,
but still can’t get pregnant. 

Imagine this…

Waking up feeling refreshed + restored.

Your mind + body feels light, as you move through your day with ease and flow.

Your presence radiates with confidence, because your mind, body, + spirit are connected.

You can heal your body.

But you don’t know what else you can do.

You just need extra guidance and support.

Let’s get you recharged + revived so you are operating at full capacity.

Let’s bring you…home.

Home to your most radiant you.

Want me to show you how?

Radiant By Design blends elements of:

 Functional Medicine


 Emotional Intelligence 

 Human Design 

For a unique approach that helps you heal from within.

This is a Journey …

You will learn simple lifestyle tweaks to support your health and energy,  and techniques to help you move from exhaustion to vitality, freedom, + peace.

Together we will get to the root cause through:

 Functional Medicine testing to identify simple dietary + lifestyle tweaks.

Uncovering + shifting limiting beliefs that are blocking your healing.

 Developing emotional awareness to process + release suppressed emotions that are draining you.

 Discovering your unique energetic blueprint to optimize your vitality.

So you can feel your best again, while achieving your goals, creating a life you love, and enjoying every moment!

Embody the Radiance that is within you.

It requires commitment and doing the work.

But it’s worth it.

You are worth it.

The journey isn’t always easy and short.

But with a guide you can trek quicker,
and find the shortcuts on your healing journey.

Here’s what others have experienced…

I was feeling run down, stressed out, and uncomfortably bloated. I was experiencing hair loss and stomach issues and just overall lacked energy in my life. Kate helped me give up alcohol and coffee, as well as remove certain foods for a period of time to heal my gut. She also helped with my cortisol levels and overall well-being by being more mindful of how I was operating in my day to day life. I began noticing slight shifts as the weeks went on including better digestion, no bloating, practically no gas (unreal!), better sleep, and lower stress levels. You really get out what you put in, but making this commitment to myself has set me on a path of wellness. I now no longer crave the foods I used to binge on and genuinely enjoy the foods I choose to eat. I’ve been able to reintroduce some of my triggering foods and am no longer experiencing the symptoms I had in the past. I can’t thank you enough Kate for helping me with my health. – Julie K.

After working with Kate, I clearly understand that in order for us to take care of our physical health, we must take care of our emotional health and our mindset. Because, even if I replenish my body with a supplement for x amount of days, if I haven’t adjusted my mindset and haven’t taken control over the thoughts I have on a moment to moment basis, the condition that I have just resolved can easily return. I learned which foods, supplements and activities were best to replenish and maintain my physical and emotional health. I have evolved into the woman I am today with a higher appreciation for my health and I will always cherish what I have learned!” – Dana W.

Before I met Kate, I had been dealing with digestive issues, anxiety, depression and many other issues for around 3 years. I went to my PCP and a GI specialist, who both brushed me off and told me that “bloating was normal” and that “everyone deals with it.” But I knew something wasn’t right and this wasn’t normal“. Kate is the only practitioner that actually listened to me, analyzed my symptoms and came up with a solution for me to heal and live a more radiant life. She’s worked patiently with me during this journey and has provided more help and clarity than anyone else I’ve worked with. I’m finally experiencing what it’s like to feel normal, and I cannot thank Kate enough for all of her support, knowledge and guidance.” – Amanda A.

When I first began working with Kate, I was in rough shape in regards to my hormone imbalances. I suffered from heavy periods, horrible menstrual cramps, bloating, irritability, brain fog, acne, fatigue, intense cravings and hair loss. I noticed the biggest changes when I implemented the detox protocols, as well as the changes in my eating. I began to feel better within days, lost 20 pounds within the first 3 months, and almost 7 inches off of my waistline. Once my energy returned from the proper nutrition, my motivation to exercise returned as well. It took a bit of time, but my mood swings and sleep patterns regulated themselves eventually. This is not a quick fix plan and it requires you to put in the work, but it is worth it.” – Sarah K.

Each time we met, Kate helped me make little changes that produced big results. She was always positive, encouraging, and took time to explain the why behind every change / supplement / practice / choice.  Functional medicine has completely changed my outlook on health and taught me so much about food, exercise, supplements, blood sugar, hormones, and the gut. Our bodies have a beautiful design, and Kate helped me rediscover that beauty. While functional medicine is an investment upfront, it pays dividends for a lifetime. It takes discipline and hard work, but Kate’s a great partner. I joined for my acne, but I didn’t just leave with a clear face; I left with a transformed body and mind. It’s 1000% worth it.” – Katherine R.

My acne improved. My period are easier. Working with Kate helped me emotionally (even if I did not think I had issues emotionally at the beggining). I really learned some good tips and good ways of seeing life and reprogramming my thinking. I’ve decided to choose me over the society. I am now more grounded and I can grow the way I would like to grow. Working with Kate is a journey. It can be challenging but it is for the best. I recommand to people that truly need change into their life to become well in the body and mind. We have to put effort but it’s totally worth it. Kate has a way to really consider a lot of aspect of a person to find a real way to deeply heal. It is a process and takes some time. Time does miracles.” – Marie-Danielle D.

At the first meeting with Kate, just by the detailed questions, explanations and her general caring aura, a trust was felt immediately. Since day one, her approach, detailed detective work, and in depth knowledge has been the driving energy in following her recommendations. After every visit, I felt better and better each time. I definitely respect more than anything Kate’s holistic approach. I truly value the personalized genuine care she provided and basically became sort of a life coach. Not only taking care of my body, but my mindset as well.” – Jodie Q.